Fence Building in Texas, Pasture Management in Texas

Tips for Constructing a Long-Lasting Farm Fence

Simply put, if you raise livestock, you need a strong farm fence.

Fences are important not only for keeping animals in – or predators out – but also for making your homestead look neat, tidy, and contained. However, it is far easier said than done when it comes to constructing a fence.

Here are some tips on Fence Building in Texas for your farm – and one that will last for generations to come.

Quick Tips for Building a Strong Fence

1. Obtain Necessary Permits

First and foremost, check with the authorities in your area to see if you will need a building permit. You won’t nine times out of ten, but it’s worth checking to avoid any costly fines or levies. We also provide services like Pasture Management in Texas.

2. Address Slopes and Elevation

Building a strong farm fence may appear to be simple math, but once you start working with slopes or elevation, the math becomes more difficult.

3. Take Care of Your Corner Posts and Braces

Corner braces are unquestionably the most important aspect of a livestock fence. These will act as anchor points for your fence, taking the brunt of the force from both fence lines.

4. Select a Material

You’ll have plenty of options for building materials for your sturdy farm fence.

5. Install Deep Fence Posts

Fence posts can be made of a variety of materials, such as cedar or steel. There are advantages and disadvantages to all materials, but make sure that you are driving those posts as deep as they can go.

6. Use Concrete to Stabilize

If you are concerned about the structural integrity of your posts (or if you simply want to add some extra insurance), it is a good idea to use concrete to keep them in place. If you’re concerned about drainage in your fence post holes, you can also fill them with gravel.

7. Invest in a Good Gate and Hang it Right

The greater the strength of your fence posts, the greater the strength of your gate. Make sure to brace your posts as you install them, as this will help to support your gate. You should also use three hinge sets on your gate rather than two.

8. Keep an eye on your pets.

Don’t think your job is done once you’ve let the animals loose in the new pasture for the first time. You should keep an eye on them for at least an hour to ensure that they are adjusting well and that your fence is up to code.

Final words: While building a strong farm fence for the first time can be a daunting task, you will need the assistance of professionals. Call the professionals at 844-487-2624 to ensure the highest quality work. You can also reach out to us to set up a no-cost consultation.